Interview with Fall of earth

Fall of earth are a Hybrid metal band from Canada, they mix aspects of of Metalcore, Death, Thrash, Groove, Nu, and Progressive metal to make a sound of their own.


Can you Introduce the band?


We are a Hybrid Metal band from Edmonton, Alberta. Fall of Earth consists of Alex Rye on vocals, Aaron Winklmeier on bass, Brody Bauer on guitar and Brendan Meilleur on drums.


Where did the name come from?


It took us quite a while to settle on a proper name for ourselves. In the beginning stages as a band, we cycled through many names which we felt weren’t suitable for us. One day we came up with the idea of using the title of one of our tracks, “Fall of Earth”, since it rolled off the tongue really well and represents our core beliefs and lyrical content.


You have an album coming out can you tell us about the recording process?


The recording process for this album was an absolute delight! We record through our great friend Diego Fernandez, who is a highly praised producer in western Canada. He manages to make the recording process both efficient and enjoyable as we share countless laughs while getting solid work done. It’s beautiful to us watching our own music come together and transform into a professional product. Although everything is written prior to hitting the studio, we like to add extra spices to our tracks such as vocal harmonies, extra guitar leads, synth and piano sections etc.


Do you have plans to tour this release?


Yes, we definitely do have some exciting plans to tour this release! We are set to hit the road again in May for 6 weeks in honor of our brand-new album. We’re heading east and will be crushing venues all the way to the Maritimes and back.


Can you tell us about the music scene where you’re from


In Edmonton Alberta, the metal scene is very tight and interconnected. We might not have the biggest scene for this genre, but I find it to be very supportive and uplifting. We have a multitude of great friends and fellow bands within this city, and I’m very proud to be a part of this community. I’m thrilled to experience many other scenes in our journeys, and am very curious to see the differences and similarities between different music scenes.


Was music something you’ve always wanted to do?


Music is something we have all been wanting to do since a young age. I personally remember watching videos and listening to bands I grew up with, and thinking “Wow I wish I was like that!” I thought it was the coolest thing ever. In my teenage years, I put down my guitar and switched my focus to other hobbies for a while. But coming into adulthood I reignited my passion for music and found myself again. Fall of Earth has been beyond fulfilling for me and I couldn’t see myself doing anything else with my life. None of us plan on going back to school so we’re going all in with music, and plan on taking it as far as possible.


How has tour been?


We just recently came back from our second tour that took place in BC, and it was incredible. To be honest, I’ve heard countless horror stories about touring, but it was nothing like that at all. We all had a great time seeing new places, meeting new friends, and making new fans. We went on many adventures and did a lot of sightseeing, and overall had very pleasant travels. I knew I was in this for the long run, but the tour really solidified that notion. Playing shows every night was surreal, and the moment we got back from tour I was already itching to tour again.

You can check out Fall of eaths music and social media below


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