Interview with Necronomicon Ex Mortis

Necronomicon Ex Mortis is a death metal band from Illinois, they have two singles and two EPs, all questions answered by Michael

Photo credit: unknown


Can you Introduce the band?


Absolutely! Michael Nystrom Bala plays lead/rhythm guitar and is the main songwriter/lyricist. Manuel Barbara is lead/rhythm guitar, and he does a lot of the work in terms of tone chaser while we’re in the studio. Craig Schmuhl is the vocalist and resident hippy. Yusuf Rashid plays bass when he isn’t also playing jazz drums up in the Great North. Finally, Joey Feretti is our drummer.


Where did the name come from?


The name Necronomicon Ex Mortis comes from a deep love of 80s horror movies. In this case, it’s a reference to the Book of the Dead in the original Evil Dead.


Your album just came out can you tell us about the recording process?


The recording process seems to get more and more simple every time we do it. The lads rolled up to Ultimate Studios in Los Angeles and immediately started looking for the right guitar and bass tones. We settled on a Marshall JCM2000 and Mike’s Overload Rea 6 guitar loaded with Gorilla pickups. The actual tracking was pretty simple because we had the parts down way in advance. The extra time in the studio allowed us to experiment a bit with a cool clean tone and adding subtle acoustic guitars to our song called “The Swamp.”

Silver bullet album art


Do you have plans to tour this release?


We can’t afford it quite yet, but we hope to do a few small short tours after another future release; possibly in early 2024. We’re extremely interested in taking this “horror show” on the road.


Can you tell us about the music scene where you’re from?


The music scene in Chicago is pretty great! There are loads of different bands, and Chicago is usually included in most big tours for national acts. Was music something you’ve always wanted to do Music was the ONLY thing I wanted to do. I really don’t know what to do with myself if I’m not playing, practicing, or writing.

Silver bullet comic

You can check out Necronomicon ex mortis’ music and social media below


Interview with King Ov Wyrms


Interview with Hyperia