Words that burn - Pyres Album review

Name: Pyres

Band: Words That Burn

Type: Album

Release Date: 11/06/2019


Roni MacRuairi -Vocals and Guitat

Ger Murphy - Bass amd Vocals

Shane Martin Guitar and Vocals

Jason Christy- Drums

About the band

Irish metal band Words That Burn released a new album last week called Pyers, and I have to say, its amazing, this album is completely what we expect from a WTB album, after 8 years together the band is still as strong as ever. I want to do something new and break it down track by track, since I normally do an overview of everything.


The Review

Track 1 - Mammon

This song opens the album, the opening drums are heavy almost sounding like thunder, the guitars and bass come in soft but get progressively heavier, the vocals are loud and booming, in all i feel this track is the perfect opener, it really prepares you for the heaviness to come, the clean vocals are rear but a welcome change from the normal growling vocals, this song is very recommencement of their other song "Before the fall" in the way the instruments sound and the switch between heavy and clean, it shows their versatility and formula.

Track 2 Arise

Arise was released as a single before the album came out, similar to "Mammon" the guitars don’t go super heavy but the vocals more than make up for it, the guitars are slowly beginning to get heavier though, there’s a short pause which we hear how progressively heavier the song gets after, again there’s clean vocals to contrast the heavy.

Track 3 - Riptide

Riptide was also released prior to the album, this song is much heavier than "Arise" and "Mammon" with their guitars, I think the song is perfect on the album, it shows how they can go from a softer type of metal to all out headbanging, this is Words That Burn in their prime.The clean chorus, is a stark contrast to the screamed verses and shows just how talented Roni is

Track 4 White Smoke

White Smoke is very much the same as the last 3 a slow beginning building up to a fast and heavy ending, while staying somewhat soft especially towards the end, it ends on clean vocals and guitar.

Track 5 - Deathgrip

Deathgrip changes up the albums formula a bit beginning heavy with almost rapped heavy vocals and loud heavy guitar, this song stays consistently heavy while going back and forth between the heavy and clean vocals.

Track 6 - Fire In The Air

Much like deathgrip this track starts heavy and stays heavy, the chorus unlike the rest is a mix of screaming and singing, the background vocals being sung by singer Aideen Farrelly, this is the only song on the album with a featured artist, there’s a short break where both Roni and Aideen use clean vocals then goes straight back to the heavy/clean mix for the last chorus

Track 7 - Between Me And Buried

Between me and buried works just like the other songs with a fast but not so heavy opening leading to a heavy midsection then a not so heavy ending, just like with Fire In The Air they mix harsh and clean vocals during the chorus only this time its only Roni doing them.

Track 8Shallow Sleep

Shallow Sleep is mostly done using the clean vocals with the heavy thrown in, I actually dislike the harsh vocals in this one personally, I feel it would have been better if the song was completely clean vocals, this song is different to the others as its the only one where the clean make up most of the vocals, I feel the heavy vocals ruin it.

Track 9 When we're forgotten

Released as a single before the album was announced, this is the heaviest song on the album, with loud heavy instruments, the clean vocals in the chorus and pre-chorus sound amazing and give the song an interesting sound, although I love this song I think it should have stayed a single, its catchier than the others with an earworm of a chorus. The breakdown near the end just shows how heavy they can get.

Track 10 - A Mortal Call

This is the final track on the album, and were ending on the strong note, the song starts off slow and almost acoustic sounding with the piano leading into the drums, bass and guitar, i feel that this was the strongest point on the album and the perfect song to end on.

In all, I loved the album bar when were forgotten which I believe should have been released as a single not a part of the album, the album perfectly contrasts heavy and light and shows that words that burn can do so much

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