Lament Cityscape - The New Wet & The Pulsing Wet EP Review

Okay this is a double review because this is actually an EP trilogy, the EPs are all kind of short so I’ll write about parts 1 & 2 here and do a separate post for part 3, lets hope this goes well.

The New Wet

This EP begins with the song ‘Running Out Of Decay’ the song starts with an electric/static sounding guitar and a drum beat, the vocals are almost muffled sounding and hard to understand. There’s something that kind of sounds like a siren in the background, the whole thing just feels really clustered and overloading, we have a few seconds of just keyboard before the music picks up and were back to that very overloading sense again, were played out by the static sounding guitar.

The next song ‘Seepage’ is all instrumental until almost the 3 minute mark, like previously, everything is very distorted sounding and the vocals are kind of muffled and hard to hear over the instrumentals although you can kind of make out the repetition of ‘seepage’. The final track on this EP is ‘Borer’ similarly to ‘Running out of decay’ its very clustered and overloading, the instrumental just sound chaotic, the vocals are still incredibly muffled and hard to hear

EP cover

EP cover

The pulsing wet

EP No.2 begins with the song ‘Lustre’, this starts out similar to ‘The new wet’, the instrumentals still feel too busy, and the vocals are still very muffled, this song is a lot more catchy than anything on the previous EP however and we do get a bit of an instrumental with just drums and guitar, I also enjoyed how the drums kind of remind you of someone clapping along to the guitar. The song has a very abrupt stop.

Next track ‘Bleedback loop’ starts out with a distorted guitar being strummed, other instrumentals slowly start to fade in, then we get more really hard to hear vocals, It kind of relaxes around 4 minutes in which continues to the end of the song. Finally ‘The great reveal’ the entire song is instrumental, it follows the last few songs but not to as bad of an extent.

EP art

EP art


I couldn’t enjoy either of these, I’m someone who suffers from sensory issues and I had to pause every few minutes because It was just too much for me personally, these lads definitely have amazing musicianship no doubt but I just couldn’t handle it.

Photo credit unknown

Photo credit unknown

You can check the band on social media and bandcamp

This download comes with a six-page PDF of lyrics and artwork that is exclusive to Bandcamp.

The Pulsing Wet by Lament Cityscape, released 19 June 2020 1. Lustre 2. Bleedback Loop 3. The Great Reveal This download comes with a six-page PDF of lyrics and artwork that is exclusive to Bandcamp. All proceeds of this release will be donated to Black Futures Lab.


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