Immolation - Album Review

Name: Immolation

Band: Pain In Vain

Genre: Metal/Metalcore

Release Date: October 5th 2018

Members: (From fall 2016)

                  Mikey O'Riordan (Vocalist)

                  Jake Black (Lead Guitar)

                  Warren Ryan (Rhythem Guitar) 

                  Kenneth Dignam (Bass)

                  Bernard Walsh (Drums)


Opening Track: Untitled intro track

About the band

Pain In Vain came back after months of silence this past October with the release of their debut full length album called 'Immolation' and I have to say, what an improvement, after two years we get a new and better record. We also saw a slight member change as Glenn Quinn and Mark Nolan left the band being replaced by Kenneth Dignam and Bernard Walsh respectively

Left to right: Warren Ryan, Jake Black, Mikey O’Riordan, Kenneth Dignam and Bernard Walsh

Left to right: Warren Ryan, Jake Black, Mikey O’Riordan, Kenneth Dignam and Bernard Walsh

The Album

The clean vocals have significantly improved, the heavy vocals also sound like they've improved, Jake and Warren just like on Leave Me did amazing with the guitar, we have two new guys called Kenneth and Bernard on Bass and Drums, Bernard’s drumming keeps perfect time with Jake, Kenneth, Warren and Mikey, while Kenneth’s Bass sounds amazing and is much easier to hear on this release. in all it’s a wonderful improvement on their first EP and i cant wait to here what comes next

The album has 10 tracks and they're all loud and heavy again how you want a rock album to sound


Leave Me - EP review