Interview with Nighnacht

Nighnacht is a blacken thrash band from Arizona, USA. They released asking to be killed on December 2nd 2022, all questions were answered by vocalist Don of the dead.

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Can you introduce the band?


Keoni - Drums
Paul - Guitar
Chris - Bass
Don - Vocals

We got together a few years ago without the intention of recording. The other guys knew each other for a few year already and were jamming on the weekends. I met Keoni through a mutual friend and he invited me to hang out. After a few meet ups it seemed like we had some good ideas for songs so I suggested we record what we had and all of us were surprised at the result. It was sicker and more repulsive than we even imagined.


Where did the name come from?


It was my suggestion. A friend of mine had a few different names with "Nacht" in the name. Nacht means night in German. Nigh means to draw near. So many of the great names are already taken so we had to be unique. I put the two together and I think it works well. Nighnacht means Drawing Night Near.


Your album just came out, can you tell us about the recording process?


I live in Ohio and the others live in Arizona so we have not recently had a chance to meet up all at the same time. Our last meeting was at my house in AZ where it was a drug and alcohol fueled weekend where we wrote all of our Murder Myself demo.
The current recording process is when then send me the recorded music and I write and record the lyrics in Ohio. I am looking forward to the next batch of riffs from Paul. He has a style about not only his riffs but the arrangements. It makes the music we create different than what I do in other bands.


Do you have plans to tour this release?


At this time we have not plans to performs live. All of us have different music projects we are working on and living so far away from each other makes performing together difficult.

Album cover


Can you tell us about the music scene where you’re from


Currently, I am in Cleveland Ohio and the music scene is amazing. Rock, Metal, Punk and hardcore are al happening here at the same time.
When I lived in Phoenix there was a scene but the city is so freaking huge it was not concentrated like it is in Cleveland.


Was music something you’ve always wanted to do?


I did not think I would be doing music this late in life. I enjoyed it very much as a kid. I listened to my moms records from the 50's and 60's and really likes how the songs were constructed. The music we currently make is very different from the music I grew up listening to at moms house.

You can check out the bands music below


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