Interview with Dan Wilkinson

Dan Wilkinson is the bassist of UK based metalcore band Burn Down The District, he was kind enough to chat to me for an interview.

Me: Okay i ask everyone i interview this but if you could describe your bands music in one word, what would it be?

D: Energetic

Me: How was the bands name picked?

D: We each came up with a selection , short listed it and then picked one It was our ex vocalist who won the name game

Me: You played in metal to the masses UK, how was that?

D: Fantastic. Always is.
Made some new friends along the way and it’s a great thing to be a part of

Me: Have you ever played outside of the UK?

D: Nope - as far north as Scotland and as far south as Plymouth

Me: Are there any plans to do international gigs?

D: If the right opportunity came along them possibly - but no plans to as of yet

Me: Do you have a favourite gig you've played?

D: Personally, no.
They have all been really good TBH.
It’s just a pleasure playing our stuff to people who like listening to it

Me: Your a bassist, how did you first get into playing?

D: My brother started listening to Iron Maiden and got himself a guitar and I thought that it was cool !
But didn’t want to copy him so got a bass instead. It looked harder to play guitar that bass lol

Me: How did you meet the rest of Burn Down The District?

D:Through friends and the local scene. We’ve been together it ages apart from Ste the vocalist, he’s been on the scene as long as us but we answered an add for a vocalist a few years ago and got him in

Me: Do you have any advice for bands and musicians just starting out?

D: Just play and produce music which makes you happy to play. Produce something which your proud to call your own.
And, if in a band, make sure everyone is happy with what being played!
Every tune we have come up with has chopped and changed until it’s right. 
Sometimes you’ll have to compromise on a riff to get the whole song.

A huge thank you to Dan for chatting to me, you can follow burn down the district on facebook and Instagram and thank everyone else for reading


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