Rebel Priest - Lost in Tokyo (EP review)

About the band

Rebel Priest are a Rock ‘n Roll band from Vancouver, Canada. They have 3 full length albums and released ‘Lost in Tokyo’ on August 13th 2021

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The Review

This EP has four songs, the first and title track ‘Lost In Tokyo’ starts out loud and fast, recounting a night the band actually got lost in Tokyo. The music itself is like a mix of Iron Maiden and Mötley Crüe in both theming and sound, the guitar solo around two minutes in is awesome and as a whole the song is super upbeat and energetic, there’s a small bit of talking at the end then we’re right into song two ‘Back Alley Blues’ this track keeps that energy going, we get another awesome solo around two minutes in, while still as energetic as before this song is a little slower than the first.

Album Art

Next up is ‘Vulgar romance’ and this is probably my favourite on the EP, super catchy, not as fast as previously but still an amazing song, there’s a few instrumental breaks through out the song and this one is a lot more reminiscent of something like dropkick murphy’s. This song also has two solos one mid song and one at the end, the one at the end is really cool, this song definitely shows the band has range when it comes to song writing. Finally we reach the last song ‘When the whip comes down’ and were back to hair metal meets heavy metal to play us out, this track follows the loud and energetic lead of the first two songs but again a little slower. It’s a pretty fun song to end on and again the solo is absolutely amazing, overall the instrumentals sound awesome, you can hear the bands talent and the vocals are really cool.

Band on stage: photo credit unknown


This is an awesome EP, the band are clearly talented, as I’ve said their influence seems to be rock n roll, hair metal and heavy metal and they mix these genres really well, I would recommend fans of bands like steel panther, Mötley Crüe and Iron Maden check them out, you’ll love them.

Bands logo

Links and music

You can check the bands socials and Bandcamp here


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