Interview with Augurium

Augurium are a death metal band from Canada


Can you Introduce the band?


We are Augurium, a death metal band from Saskatchewan, Canada. And we have two members in British Columbia, Canada. In Saskatchewan, Yianni is our vocalist and lyricist, Logan handles the lead guitars and the orchestration,and Cejay is our rhythm guitarist. In BC, Reid is our bassist and handles the album production, and Taylor is our drummer.


Where did the name come from?


Cejay came up with the band name when he created the first iteration of the band. He was a big fan of the Omen movies so he punched “Omen” into an English/Latin translator and “Augurium” was one of the results. You have an album coming out can you tell us about the recording process. The recording process was a bit more of a different and challenging workflow than it would be in a traditional band. Because we’re so spread out, meeting up wasn’t really a feasible option. The recording and writing process for most of the songs was usually that Cejay and Logan would write and record guitars and symphonic elements, then Taylor would make drum parts and send them to Logan, afterward Logan would send everything off to Me (Reid) to write and record his bass parts. After all the instrumentals were put together Yianni would record vocals and I would mix and master the entire thing. The really nice part about having the entire process in-house was we didn’t have to worry about studio or mixing costs, so anything that didn’t quite sit right we could just redo as we pleased until we were happy. It took us about two years to do, but everyone was really pleased with the end result so the extra time was worth it.


Do you have plans to tour this release?


We will be touring Western Canada with this release, our first date will be in Vancouver BC, on the day of the album release (August 25th). From there we’ll be hitting:

Aug 26 – Kelowna, BC

Aug 27 - Kamloops, BC

Aug 30 - Edmonton, AB

Aug 31 - Calgary AB

Sept 1 - Saskatoon, SK

Sept 2 - Regina, SK

We’ll be touring alongside some pretty awesome BC locals called Hooker Spit, and Raising the Ruins, then on the second half of the tour we’ll be alongside Winnipeg’s Cell and some hometown friends Kryotic Can you tell us about the music scene where you’re from Saskatchewan has a fairly small music scene, but there are some really excellent bands out there, and a very dedicated and supportive viewer base, especially when it comes to metal. A lot of people show up to every show that they can regardless of what day of the week it is or how many times they’ve seen the said band. BC has a really solid scene with a few more internationally known bands (eg. Archspire, Spiritbox) and of course, some really awesome locals, the amount of really great shows that happen can almost be overwhelming, you want to go to every show but there’s just not enough time.


Was music something you’ve always wanted to do?


I didn’t really take an interest in making or playing music until I was around 15-16. When my mom literally forced me to start taking guitar lessons. After the first year though I started getting into classic thrash and it basically became an obsession, by the end of high school all I was interested in doing with life was being in bands. I ended up picking bass up as a means of switching things up at a point where I felt I was at a plateau with guitar. Come the COVID pandemic, things got fairly quiet and Logan approached me with restarting Augurium so I was happy to jump on board.

You can check out Auguriums music and social media below


Interview with Eshtadur


Interview with JP Krom